Have fun with hand-picked bisaya-tagalog-english with sample usage in this page. For comprehensive word reference please use our Cebuano to English Dictionary.
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Bisaya: Dagan verb Tagalog: Takbo English: Run
Sample: Dagan ta pahilis sa gikaon (Let?s run to burn what we have just eaten)
Epal in Tagalog People who want to make scene even if the scene isn't for them
Apparently, nag-anam na ka wagtang ang pinulungang bisaya ilabi na ang mga laglum nga binisaya. Gamay na lang mga nakahibalo ani ug hangtod mawagtang na gyud. So the reason for the author to give birth of this site Bisdak Words.
About the author
Ag Molde is a native Cebuano. He speak bisaya and sing along with bisrock songs. He loves Cebu, the foods, the places and the people.